Thursday, 27 January 2011

January 2011 on 15m de MW0BBU

The month started off quite quiet here at MW0BBU on 15m with only a couple of JT65-HF qso,s in to Scandinavia and Eastern Europe working ES2MA ,OH7FMT and SP2IPU all with quite strong signals.

On the 11th the band started to open up a little more with stations of 9K2UU being worked on SSB with good 59+ signals. The next couple of days proved to be quite good on 15m with stations of HZ1AN Saudi Arabia, JY4NE Jordan, J28RO Djibouti, VQ9LA Chargos Isl, EA8/DL3KVR Canary Isl and CT9/OH2OT Madeira Isl all worked on CW with very good 599 signals.

On SSB in the same period the stations of OX3KQ Greenland, W2RE Usa, HZ1BO Saudi Arabia and 9H5JW all worked quite easily on the Dipole.

After the 19th of the month it seemed to go quiet with just the odd station on the band but still managed to squeeze out the stations of 9J2KK Zambia and ZS5DJ on JT65-HF even though their signals were very weak.

Around the 26th the band opened into near Europe and the stations of UT5IP, SP9XCJ, UY1CI, LZ2CF and HA6VH were all worked with very good signals on CW. Later in the afternoon the band opened slightly and the stations of XT2RJA Burkina Faso and KP2M US Virgin Is were worked again on CW reasonably well with 559 signals.

Lets hope that February will bring some improved conditions and allow some good DX to be worked.

Thats all for this month, enjoy the bands which ever one is your favourite, good DX.

Steve.... MW0BBU.

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